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Areas of Expertise

Life Coaching & Personal Development

You have goals, wishes and dreams and you want to achieve them. You want to improve your relationships with your partner, family and friends or colleagues. You may have been confronted with a forthcoming change and have no idea how to deal with it. You'd like to make the right decisions and look for optimal solutions. You want a better work-life balance.

Maybe you don't want to question your self-esteem and self-confidence again, or don't want to feel responsible or guilty for everything. 

You finally are ready for change, you want to grow. 


If you want to develop your personality, this development is always connected with a change. A change, even if initially perceived as unknown terrain, holds new opportunities and development potential. That is why it is worth taking on changes. If you choose this change consciously and are willing to work on it, if your motivation for this change comes from within, you are going to succeed in this development. 


Nobody can change the other person. However, we can change ourselves and in this way influence our environment as well as other people and their behaviour. By working on our own attitudes, feelings and beliefs we change ourselves, the world we live in and the people in it. We change the system in which we exist.


I will be happy to support you in discovering your potential, questioning your usual patterns of thinking and behaviour, analyzing your attitudes and beliefs and assisting you on your path to change.

Solution-oriented Counselling

"... because people are basically perfect and have no deficits."


You and me, like everyone else, have problems and crises in life which we struggle with and which we want to solve. Would you like to work with me to solve these problems and crises? 

As your counselor I will help you to accomplish a change, so that your problems turn into topics to be dealt with, the crises become life situations to be controlled and you will move from the reactive focus of a victim towards the proactive focus in order to shape your life.


As the approach to solution-oriented counselling according to Steve de Shazer deals with personal change with a focus on resources (and not on the problem), you will rediscover your existing resources as well as the resources that have arisen. Above all, you will rediscover yourself. You will become more active again and take on more responsibility and see yourself as the creator of your life situation.  Together we will bring your own and existing problem-solving approaches and strategies to life. In this process you will be brought into contact with a wide range of possibilities, and you will be growing so that a new and different reality emerges for you. 


You are the expert of your life, I will support you in the process of discovering your resources.

Business, Executive and Success - oriented coaching

Whether executive, business or success coaching - all these topics are inextricably interwoven.

Executives have specific topics that are linked to their position - difficult employee appraisals, conflicts between superiors and teams, or how do I define myself as a leader and manager.

Far too often, the term success is only associated with a professional career or with lots of money or a high social status. Success can be much more than that. Whether professional or private, success is part of a personal vision and should therefore be defined individually. 

Therefore, we will find out at the beginning of our coaching process what constitutes your personal success concept and work with your own success idea.

Together we will assess your current situation and define your most important goals. We will create future-oriented perspectives and develop strategies that will take you further on your goal course. 

In order to achieve sustainable coaching results, we will use methods, tools and exercises based on various coaching approaches, actively exchange information on a regular basis and reflect on the coaching process.


In order to optimally support you on your way to your goal, I am at your side as a professional consultant. My executive and business coaching is addressed to executives and professionals, with all the concerns and questions typical for these occupational groups. In the same way, success-oriented coaching is aimed at all decision-makers, that is, at every person striving for success - after all, the decision is the power that changes everything.

Stress- & Burnout Prevention

Radical changes in living and working conditions lead to an increase in chronic stress levels. Stress is omnipresent and affects people in all social and age groups. Permanent stress mirrors itself not only in emotional exhaustion, in a loss of energy and performance, but also in serious physical and mental health issues. 

Therefore, it is of great importance for everyone to develop a healthy level of stress competence. Stress competence is based on four pillars: the ability to relax, activity and sport, healthy nutrition and positive mindset and behaviour. 


In all of these four areas, you yourself can have a key influence and strengthen your stress and burnout resilience, and this not only when the signs of exhaustion are already evident, but also and in the best-possible case through preventive measures. 

You yourself can develop your own stress competence. I, as your stress and burnout coach, will support you during this process. 


In our coaching you learn to treat yourself in a good and healthy manner.

You learn how stress and tension develop, how stress affects the body, what damage it can lead to in our health system and how burnout occurs. You learn what means relaxation and what it can accomplish. You will be introduced to various relaxation techniques and stress management methods. 

Together we will analyze your current situation, identify your individual sources of stress and work out your personal stress resistance plan. We determine your optimal time and self-management. You learn how to be mindful of and how to deal with everyday stress and how to stabilize your personal health. 


Through the hypno-systemic approach we will find access to your emotional processes in order to change the deeply rooted, automatic-starting, unconscious patterns and habits in a long-term and sustainable way.



"Imaginary body journeys" (by Sabine Fruth)

Hypnosis to strengthen one's own healing powers & self-regulation

As a psychological counsellor, therapist, trainer and coach - also for stress management & burnout prevention - I am confronted again and again and indeed more and more often with stress-related psychosomatic phenomena among my clients. 


Fortunately, many symptoms can be alleviated with relaxation methods and all kinds of stress management tools. 


Since I also work with a hypno-systemic approach, I have always been aware that hypnosis gives my clients even better access to their unconscious and thus also to their own potentials and powers. 


In 2021 I completed the hypnosis training "Imaginary Body Journeys“ with Dr. Sabine Fruth to strengthen the self-regulation & the self-healing powers, which she developed as a therapy method. This was followed by specialisation in key areas: psychosomatic complaints, allergies as well as inner blockades and resistances. 

In the "Imaginary Body Journeys", the clients - both adults and, in a wonderful way, children - are guided into their bodies to "take a look" at what it looks like for them, e.g. at the place of mental and/or physical complaints / suffering. In the process, very individual images arise that only fit the unique person and depict his/her inner world. During these body journeys under competent guidance, the clients find solutions for their symptoms.
These body journeys with their solutions represent an uncomplicated mental stimulation of the self-regulation and the self-healing powers.

I am always amazed at how my clients find access to these self-healing powers, how they strengthen them and how they possibly can support medical treatments.

Individual, Couple & Family Therapy
and Counselling

Since my studies in psychology I have been fascinated by the approach of systemic therapy, which sees problems not as a disorder of an individual, but as a consequence of a disorder in the social environment of the person, that means in the system. 


According to this approach, the human being is a part of a system. A system is, for example, our family, partnership, professional environment, circle of friends, school, etc.. 

Any changes in the system affect all actors in the system. 


If dysfunctional relationships or unfavourable polarities and communication patterns occur in the system, these can affect the well-being and mental health of the system members. 

Therefore, a wide variety of life issues are dealt with in systemic therapy/counselling, starting with professional crises, family conflicts, relationship and marital crises, loyalty conflicts, parenting issues up to coping with affective disorders such as depression, schizophrenia or psychosomatic illnesses, and many more.


The focus of systemic therapy is not (as in other therapeutic approaches) the reasons that make people ill, but the correlations, roles, behaviours and relationship structures, unhealthy patterns, communication and interactions between the individual and all forms of his or her environment, while taking into account their function within the system. 

My Approach

Your coach / counsellor / therapist
for a journey together

What distinguishes me as a good coach, counsellor and therapist is, on the one hand, my versatile life experience with all ups and downs and, above all, the strength I have gained from the lessons I have learned and the crises I have mastered. As a wife and mother of a (meanwhile grown-up) daughter, I know how to manage the balancing act between career and private life and still make room for my own interests and personal fulfilment. 


On the other hand, it is a broad spectrum of professional experience, also acquired on the international stage (Asia, Europe). During the many years of my career in the free market economy in the finance and fashion industry, I had various positions, such as project leader, training coach, marketing and relationship manager or key account and product manager. Through my work as a self-employed coach, counsellor & therapist and my scientific work I am also able to change perspectives from employee to entrepreneur.


My interests are very diverse and include not only psychology and politics but also the fine arts, such as theatre, architecture or photography, as well as authoring poetry and prose. My fascination for the new makes me constantly learn and grow and look beyond my own horizons. Through my long stays abroad and my big passion - travelling - I get to know new perspectives and life concepts and let myself be inspired by the great encounters.


It is precisely these encounters and the exchange with those unique people, with the most diverse concepts of life, convictions, cultures, religions, sexual preferences and world views, with their wonderful life stories and also sad suffering and life dramas, that finally motivated me to work as a coach, counsellor and therapist - and that with heart and soul.

It is of course of enormous relevance to individually respond to the client and to meet him/her with the right methods in order to do justice to the diversity of personalities, goals and life plans. Therefore, a broad knowledge is very important. In addition to my academic knowledge in the fields of economics, psychology and business psychology, I have a large number of therapy, counselling and coaching qualifications with different focuses. I also constantly expand my knowledge through advanced seminars, exchange with colleagues and autodidactics. 
As a member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF), the Systemic Society (SG), the Milton Erickson Society for Clinical Hypnosis (MEG), the German and International Association for Neuro-Linguistic Programming (DVNLP/IN) and the European Coaching Association (ECA), I stand for the ethics and quality standards of these associations.


My emphasis is at all times on a respectful, trusting and appreciative encounter with my clients, on their philosophies of life and their wishes and goals, and is always orientated towards their strengths and the future.



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© 2019 by Sylvia F. Rodatz, M.Sc.               

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